- Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Mod 1.7.10
- Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Module
- Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Mod 1.12.2
- Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Model
For Deus Ex: Human Revolution on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Director's Cut - Lapdragon's Inventory Mod (Small Stack, Small Weapons)'. This page contains information regarding the progress sequence of the main plot and a list of all the side missions of The Missing Link DLC. It also contains lists of collectibles and achievements. 1 Missions 1.1 Main missions 1.1.1 M1 — Getting out of the frying pan 1.1.2 M2 — In the belly of the beast 1.1.3 M3 — Choices, choices 1.1.4 M4 — The long way home 1.2 Side quests 1.2.1 S1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut Hardcore Revival - Tweaks the game primarily to make it harder. Burger Debug Menu - Adds a debug menu and level selection option. Faithful Inventory - Allows stacking of grenades and consumables in the inventory.
- My barter page is always kept up-to-date: https://barter.vg/u/f52/t/.
- Disclaimer: I'm not really looking to trade most of these unless it's for a good deal, since I want to play the games but didn't want to redeem the keys/gifts and add even more to my backlog. The games marked with an asterisk are the ones I'd somewhat like to keep (but am willing to trade) and the games marked with two asterisks I'm most willing to trade because I'm either not interested in playing or already have a copy for myself.
- For the CURRENCIES AND OTHER section, I can get anything in the stores listed. However, this transaction is nonrefundable so I'd need some sort of assurance or collateral to make sure the trade goes through.
- I'm mostly interested in acquiring Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition, Dishonored GOTY, Ori and the Blind Forest, Rocket League DLC, and Just Cause 3 XL. Most of the games from my wishlist are just on it to keep tabs during Steam sales, but I'd be very interested in any of the above games or anything in the top 10-ish of my wishlist (although I'll still consider offers for anything on the list). I also accept keys (CS:GO, TF2, Dota 2).
- Here's my wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/theflyingpineapple/wishlist
- Here's my profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080546675
- Here's my Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/theflyingpineapple/
- Defy Gravity Extended **
- Half Life 2: Episode 1
- Red Faction Collection
- Hotline Miami
- Squishy the Suicidal Pig **
- Tile Rider *
- Aaru's Awakening *
- Alan Wake Collector's Edition
- Alien Breed Trilogy *
- Alpha Runner *
- Anomaly: Warzone Earth **
- Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Osmos, EDGE
- Apotheon
- Avalance 2: Super Avalanche **
- Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians *
- Bioshock
- Bioshock Infinite
- BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien *
- Borderlands plus DLC
- Borderlands DLC and Borderlands 2 DLC
- Chroma Squad *
- Company of Heroes **
- Crimsonland *
- David *
- Deadlight *
- Descent: Underground *
- Dino D-Day **
- Divekick **
- Dodge *
- Duet *
- Dyscourse *
- Fez *
- Fractal: Make Blooms Not War
- Foosball: World Tour **
- Garry's Mod *
- GRAV *
- Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition *
- Hard Reset Extended Edition *
- Hook *
- I am Bread
- it came from space and ate our brains! *
- Kane and Lynch Collection *
- Kingdom Rush
- Lichdom: Battlemage *
- Mafia II *
- Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY *
- Metro Last Light Redux
- Mind: Path to Thalamus
- Mountain *
- Natural Selection 2 *
- Not a Hero **
- No Time to Explain Remastered *
- Notrium **
- OlliOlli **
- Orcs Must Die! GOTY *
- Outland: Special Edition *
- Overlord *
- Overlord II *
- Overlord II **
- Papo & Yo
- PAYDAY 2 plus DLC *
- PixelJunk Eden *
- Plug & Play
- Prompt *
- Puzzle Agent 2 *
- Relativity Wars - A Science Space RTS **
- Renowned Explorers: International Society
- Reus
- Rituals *
- Sanctum 2 *
- Sid Meier's Civilization V: Complete Edition
- Space Run *
- Spec Ops: The Line
- Spelunky **
- Startopia **
- Stickbold *
- stratO
- Subject 13 *
- Superstatic *
- Switchcars *
- The Blue Flamingo *
- The Fall
- The Novelist *
- The Wolf Among Us
- This War of Mine
- Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers *
- Titan Souls Special Edition *
- Two Worlds Epic Edition **
- Urja **
- Volume
- Wasteland 2: Director's Cut
- Amazon credit
- Steam Wallet
- CS:GO key (x12)
- Thanks for taking a look!
Steam version 1.1.622.0
[Edit] Alright here's another version of the table working with the patch. Let me know if you are having problems. The first table had some intermittent trouble. This one is working for now.
Steam version 1.2.630.0
[Edit] Yet another version for the latest patch.
Steam version 1.2.633.0
This is my second table -- kept it simple, so don't scowl at its simplicity, please.
Current Experience
Total Experience
Health Base
Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Mod 1.7.10
Health Boost
Praxis Points
Note: if you freeze health boost, you'll never lose any health -- and setting it means it comes back, or so I've noticed on a few occasions.
Upgrade Note: I tried to have most of the pointer addresses using the same base address, so upgrading game version should be a simple matter of changing the base for anyone with different versions. Just double click on the P->????????? and change the address at the bottom (after finding one of the level 5 pointers with 14,3c offsets using Pointer Scan).
EDIT: ignore the 1.1.633 below (a bit woozy on narcs today)
Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Module
Combat Rifle number in the text file by Kyle873 is a little off... FC 28 is the correct hex code.PLASMA RIFLE WITH COOLING MOD
Don't know if anyone has found or bothered posting this yet, but here is a weapon hex code for the plasma rifle with cooling mod:
Plasma Rifle + Cooling System mod: 0E 91
Yes, perceptive ones out there, that is 0E, instead of 0F. That is all it takes -- I was banging my head against the wall when I found out, I must say.
Rocket Launcher with Heat Targeting: 94 4A
Note: I seem to avoid crashes by using weapons I pick up and turn them into rocket launchers.
For those who want every weapon in the book like I do, learn to use Kyle873's information on how to change the X and Y coordinates for the items -- ww ww 00 00 01 hh 01 00 xx 00 00 00 yy 00 00 00 -- where 'w' is weapon code, 'h' is horizontal = 0 or vertical = 1, 'x' is X axis starting count from 0, 'y' is Y axis starting count from 0. By placing items on the right and bottom edges of your inventory, you can squeeze in weapons, make them overlap and salvage much needed space for ammo, software, grenades and other stuff.
EDIT 5: Added new table -- rock solid pointers so far -- for version 1.4.651 using the SKIDROW cracked update.
Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Mod 1.12.2
Made byDeus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut Inventory Stacking Model
unksilHow to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1